#Janice McGeachin Opposes AntiSemitism

3 years ago

Idaho Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin joins White House journalist Dr Harper in her office at the Idaho State Capitol Tuesday November 16, 2021 to boldly oppose Anti-Semitism in all its forms.
Dr Harper serves as the principal investigative journalist at the White House regarding Anti-Semitism and other Human Rights violations.
Watch Dr Harper’s White House report on Anti-Semitism and Vaccine mandate issues by clicking on the following YouTube link:

To read Idaho Lieutenant Governor McGeachin’s challenging letter to Idaho Governor Brad Little regarding Anti-Semitism, click on the following link:

To read Idaho Lieutenant Governor McGeachin’s strong statement opposing Anti-Semitism in all its forms, click on the following link:

To read Idaho Governor Brad Little’s response to Lieutenant Governor McGeachin’s letter opposing Anti-Semitism, click on the following link:

Dr Harper’s Jewish friends are seeking restoration of the Jewish cemetery in Vilnius, Lithuania to its former glory with gravestones and a fence according to Jewish law and tradition for no restoration is desecration and violation of religious and human rights of the Jewish nation and especially the descendants of those buried there. Watch this emotionally moving video to save the Vilnius Jewish cemetery by clicking on the following YouTube link:

With growing Anti-Semitism on the rise in our nation and world including the White House,
it is hoped that all members of Congress as well as all U.S. state leaders along with the White House and our courts will incorporate the following working definition of Anti-Semitism into all their statutes and communication for in Prophet Joel 3:2 The GOD of Israel is angry at all those that divide up His land:

Working definition of Anti-Semitism

“I oppose all forms of Anti-Semitism, including but not limited to dividing Israel with the establishment of a Palestinian state, assault of Jewish people, business deals with Iran, BDS, funding of Anti-Semitic U.N. agencies like UNRWA and others; defacing Jewish places of worship, business, monuments as well as desecration of cemeteries in Vilnius, Lithuania and elsewhere by building over the graves of the Jewish people. I seek to restore the Jewish cemetery in Vilnius, Lithuania as well as all other Jewish cemeteries to their former glory with gravestones and a fence according to Jewish law and tradition, for no restoration is desecration and violation of religious and human rights of the Jewish nation and especially the descendants of those buried there.”

Joel 3:2:
“I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.” (NASB)

There is a blessing for those that bless Israel!
Genesis 12:3
“And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” (NASB)

Here is Dr. Harper’s reporting on Anti-Semitism below. To learn about the Jewish cemetery desecration in Vilnius, Lithuania he reports on, click on the following YouTube link:
To learn more about UNRWA and Religious Freedom issues Dr. Harper reports on, click on the following YouTube link:

For more information about Dr Harper news reporting, click on following link:

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