What is the Bible? (Part 3) The War of Two Kingdoms- Investigating "Can we trust the Bible?"

3 years ago

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This weeks study:
Topic: How do we know the Bible is Real? Is the Bible true?
Series in the Topic: What is the Bible? (Part 3) Major theme: War of 2 Kingdoms

Welcome to This Week in the Word!

Called to share the work God is using to grow me. How I am preparing for his calling on my life, and being a witness to his glory. I am not a graduate of seminary, a theologian, or godly scholar. I am just a born again BIBLE believing disciple of Jesus Christ.

Mission: To encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

How do we know the Bible is Real?
What is the Bible? (Part 3) WAR over 2 Kingdoms

The Two Kingdoms:
Matthew is the only book that uses therm Kingdom of Heaven, it also speaks of the Kingdom of God, so we know they are different (although some “scholars” will say they are the same).
The spiritual Kingdom (referenced in the Bible as “Kingdom of God”):
Luke 17:20-21, Rom 14:17, Eph 6:12
The physical Kingdom (referenced in the Bible as “Kingdom of Heaven”):
Matt 11:12, Matt 7:21, Matt 8:11, Matt13:11
The War Begins:
Lucifer is the first being we see in scripture who was given stewardship for both crowns:
Spiritual: Eze 28:14
Physical: 2Cor 4:4 ,Matt 4:8-9
Fall of Lucifer: Isa 14:13-15
Fall of Heavenly Hosts: Jude 1:6, Rev 12:9
History of the War Past:
Recreation of earth, and mankind: GEN 1:2-2:3
Adam held both crowns: Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image (physical), after our likeness (spiritual):
Man was created to serve. Gen 1:28, 2:16-17, 3:17-19, Deu 10:12 , Rev 22:3, Exo 7:16, Matt 4:10, Luke 16:13, John 12:26, Rom 16:18, Rev 7:15
Fall of man: Gen 3:7-11
Adam: At the fall Adam lost both the kingdoms and there would not be another to hold both crowns of stewardship on earth again until Jesus came. John 3:5-6, Gen 5:1-2
Man’s sin nature: Gen 2:17, Rom 6:23, 1John 3:4
Man’s need for salvation: Heb 9:22, John 3:5-6, 1 Thes 5:9, Rom 5:12, 18-19
Noah: God established a new ruler over the earth who was Noah (Gen 9:1- same instruction God gave Adam). After the flood Noah loses the authority by getting drunk and sinning (Gen 9:21-24).
Unconditional Covenant (Abraham) Abram: God gave him land (Gen 15:18-21), the promise of a people with conditions (Gen 17:1-14).
Established his People/Nation (Isaac)- Then the crown is passed to Isaac (a type of Jesus- sacrificial lamb), then God established his people in Isaac’s son Jacob. God changes Jacob’s name to Israel (Gen 35:10-12) and his 12 sons become the 12 tribes of his people, the children of Israel (Num 2).
Gave his Law (Moses): ten commandments (Ex 20:1-17, Deu 5:1-21)
Fulfilled his promise of land (the book of Joshua)
Lineage of Kings (Books of 1&2 Kings, and 1&2 Chronicles):
God gave them David From there is a whole list of kings listed through both books of kings and both books of chronicles.
Time of Captivity (Books: Ezra-Ester, Isaiah-Malachi):
Kingdom is offered (the gospels): Jesus held both crowns (son of man, son of God) Matt 3:15-17 , John 1:32-34. Jesus spent the next 3.5 years preaching for the Jews to submit to him as their King.
Jesus was sent to be the savior to the jews, and if they would have excepted him there would be no church age. Matt 10:5-7, Matt 15:22-24
Jesus’s salvation was only offered to the gentile after the jews rejected him
History of the War Present:
Church Age (Acts is the transitional Book): When they rejected him, murdered him, the Jews missed their opportunity (which closed in Acts 7), then entered the church age where God opened to the gentiles to make the jews jealous (Rom 11:11). Jesus purchased a new people with the shedding of his blood, to be his possession and reward. (Act 20:28, Rom 1:16, 1 Cor 6:19-20, Eph 1:14)
History of the War Future:
Isa 53 is a good reference for future events
Rapture: Rev 1-3 are all about the church, in 4:1-2 John experiences the rapture and the church is never spoke of in the rest of revelation. 1Thes 4:15-17
Tribulation: is a period of punishment for the jew. Rev 4-18, Matt 24:21, JER 30:7
Millennial Reign: Rev 20:1-5
New Earth: Rev 21:1,
Changing how we read the Bible:
War over physical and spiritual:
There is a connection between both dimensions: Mat 18:18
Knowledge of the war calls us to action:
Eph 6:13-18 1 Pet 4:1-2, 2Tim 4:1-8, 2 Tim 2:3-4, 1 Tim 6:11-12, 1John 4:4,
God’s character never changes (he is the unchanging God- Mala 3:6, 2 Tim 2:13, Matt 24:35). How he deals with his creation throughout time does change, this is called dispensational grace. Think of it like how a dad deals with children as they grow. A good dad wouldn’t treat his 18 year old the same way he does his new born. 2Timothy 2:15

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