Greatest enemy of the King James Bible - Attacks on the KJV - Lies about the KJV

2 years ago

#GreatestenemyoftheKingJamesBible #AttacksontheKJV #LiesabouttheKJV

Welcome to This Week in the Word!
My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This weeks study: Greatest enemy of the King James Bible
This study is a video teaching biblical defense to people who would attack the KJV. If you are not a believe in "KJV only" this video is not for you. In this study we look at who the greatest enemy of the King James is, and you may be shocked to learn who it is. This week we will also be covering some lies about the KJV. The attacks on the KJV are real and it won't take long in standing for the truth that you are met with opposition. This series is to help prepare you for the lies that you will hear about the KJV.

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