Jesus will take only His bride and leave everyone else left behind

2 years ago

Jesus will snatch only His bride out of this wicked satanic world and leave everyone else left behind!! Thousands of people will just be gone and the entire world will go into huge panic because no one was expecting the rapture at all! One moment we are here the next we are just gone and the entire world turns upside down! All hell will be unleashed after the rapture happens!! The Holy Spirit will be gone so all hell will be unleashed and people will be murdering each other, raping, stealing everything they see, America and Europe will get attacked by neclear war and will just be a black hole, power will go out everywhere! Planes fall out of the sky and killing everyone on board, trains crash and everyone is killed, wars break out everywhere all at the same time, churches are destroyed and bibles to, after the rapture happens the 7 year tribulation begins and the antichrist will take over the entire world!! He will say give up your beliefs and worship me I am the Messiah!! He will make a treaty with Israel and will break it!! America and Europe are gone and not in the tribulation period at all, they are just black holes no one lives in, the west coast will get hit by a huge earthquake and will kill everyone living there, the super volcano at Yellowstone will erupt and the ash cloud will go all the way to Europe, a huge tsnsumi will hit NYC and all the way to Louisiana and those living there will be dead, Russia, china, Iran, north Korea will hit America with huge missiles and crush America and will come into America and kill everyone they see and will take prisoners and will not be nice about it, Russia will send missiles to Europe to and will destroy America and Europe!! Fallen fallen is Babylon the great!! Everything changes after the rapture happens the entire world you knew turns upside down very fast!! It will happen if you want it to or not!! The trumpet will sound and thousands of people will just be gone!!! Taken out of this wicked world before the 7 year tribulation begins, the church age is over!! The age of grace is over and the door will be slammed shut!! Those outside will not enter at all!! If you get left behind you have to find God by yourself!! No one will help you at all or care!

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