8 Powerful Home Remedies That Treat Dog Bites Naturally

2 years ago

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8 Powerful Home Remedies That Treat Dog Bites Naturally
1. Wash the dog bite thoroughly with Warm Water and Soap for more then 5 minutes to
remove the saliva rinse with cold water and place a Gauze on it. Take Vitamin C it helps
fight infection.

2. If the bite is big, see a Doctor it may be necessary to be stitched.

3. Take Echinacea in tea form.

4. Take ½ Teaspoon powder of Black Cumin Seeds (Shah Jeera) twice daily.

5. Take Vitamin B it helps to produce antibodies. (See below for the vitamin we

6. Goldenseal Tea the first day is very good for dog bites. Do not use this if you are

7. Goldenseal applied directly on the bite is helpful as a natural antibiotic.

8. It is suggested that Garlic can act as a natural antibiotic. This can help in treating a dog
bite. You might consider taking Few Cloves of Garlic three times daily till your wound is

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