The Big H is Zeno's Paradox! - part 7

2 years ago

This part begins the transition from the initial nature of the holocaust in the Ukrainian west, regarding the Einsatzgruppen and local nationalists, to the role of nationalists operating in the east today and their relationship to the Jews. This starts with scenes from the first episode of the Netflix series on the Einsatzgruppen (sorry about the problem playing all of that} and then gets into the latest vid on Grayzone, where Max discusses the state of the war in the Donbass with two American claimed-communists on the other side of the lines, this first bit regarding "neo-nazi" nationalists so prominent on the Ukrainian side of this fight. Well, at least at Grayzone...

I'm going to continue with this video, because it touches on a lot of interesting thing, including as far from the war as BLM in the USA. But at its core remains the Jewish Question, and Max the "self-hating Jew" discussing these things with two Judaized Marxists (even though they seem like just another brand of nationalists) makes for some interesting moments.

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