Stories That Inspire Us with Janis - Podcast with Shikha Khanna - 05.21.22

2 years ago

Stories That Inspire Us welcomed to today's Podcast, Shikha Khanna. Shikha is portrait photographer from India (for over 35 years.) She is presently heading a global movement of bringing a coffee table book called 100 self portrait / 100 dreams in which Shikha is sharing the stories of 100 Mothers from across the world where they are expressing their stories through self portraits.
As with things that transpired in the pandemic, Shikha realized that she had a vision she could not ignore. It was so profound it lead her to create a global movement: 100 Self Portraits / 100 Dreams. She wanted to create a ripple effect for these Mothers to embrace the change in their lives and express themselves freely. In other words, to not live in the shadows and let the world know that their story matters!
Create the memories from your images; don't live in the falsehood of selfies; create your ripple effect - The Warrior Has Arrived!
Let me know what you thought of today's podcast. Please go to my website and leave me a voice message. If you have a Story that you would like to share, please "register as a guest" on my website - I would love to hear from you!

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