Dr. Oz Is SO BAD At Politics

2 years ago

Dr. Oz doesn’t want to legalize marijuana in Pennsylvania because more people would stay at home, and further increase the labor shortage. He also strongly opposed immigrants in Pennsylvania. The Majority Report crew discuss Oz’s contradictory stances and how Oz and David McCormick continue to throw money at the tight race for the Pennsylvania Republican Primary. The MR crew also talks about Fetterman’s position in the Senate race.

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Right, they’re spending money on the recount they're not none of them can pivot to the general election, yet and I don't know like I- McCormick obviously is has got some liabilities in terms of matching up with Fetterman because he's a hedge funder but Oz is also just sort of rich dude, they're both carpet baggers I don't even think either one of them live in Pennsylvania. So Oz definitely hasn't he lived in new jersey for a long time and now he's declaring residency and like his, I think his vacation home in PA and McCormick Connecticut he's from he's not neither of them are from the state yeah it's beautiful i should throw my hat into the ring should run in the republican party, but here is oz and I just- the idea that this could be a winning formula for anywhere in the country is pretty stunning here he is on Newsmax.

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