Prana apana sushumna hari - emotional healing mantra

2 years ago

This mantra is a very powerful healing device. Both for physical and emotional healing. Prana is energy in your system. When using this mantra for healing, focus on your breath and as you inhale, visualize that a force (life force) is purifying your entire body (system).

Prana Apana Sushumna Hari
Hari Har
Hari Har
Hari Har

Prana - Life force
Apana - Great System Cleaner
Sushumna - Channels for the Life Force
Hari / Har - Great Creative Infinity

PRANA: vital force and SUSHUMNA is the central channel of this force. This mantra helps draw energy from the spine for healing. Hari and Har are names of God.

APANA: Eliminating force or the removal of Negative force or energy.

SUSHUMNA: channel through which these energies move around our body.

HARI and HAR: names of the divine source of infinite energy, source of healing, some also say that the word HARI comes from HARA, which means remover, remover of pain and negativity.

With APANA, visualize that all pain and negativity and energy blocks within your body are being removed. And SUSHUMNA, is the channel, through which energy is circulating in your body.

Visualize air and energy circulating within your entire body, every cell of your being illuminated by the life force. And when we come to the word Hari, smile and enjoy all the wonderful things the universe has to offer. This Hari has to offer.

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