I Stopped Tithing To The Church, Will I Go To Hell ?

2 years ago

In this Video, I talked about the purpose and importance of tithing, and the different ways through which we can tithe, the benefits and rewards of tithing. #needy, #ophans, #widows, #poor, #refugees, #fulltimeministry. There are different types of tithes, according to the scripture God gave us specific instructions on what the tithe money should be used for. these includes:
Making provision for the needy, the poor, the orphans, the widows, the refugee, and so on. Our tithes are also used for Missionary work to spread the gospel to those who may not have heard of it. Also For Building and Maintaining Church facilities. For supporting the needs of pastors and the activities and operations of local Church congregations. For Supporting the programs of the Church, including education.

As long as the Church tithes are used for these purposes, then it’s in conformity with Gods instruction. The lord is against misuse of Church tithes by some church leaders who only take care of themselves, satisfying their earthly desires while the poor and needy suffers, the Lord says that He would hold such church leaders accountable, and He will bestow punishment on them for the evil that they have done (Ezekiel 34) (Jeremiah 23)

While tithing is biblical, It also doesn’t mean you’re a bad Christian if you don’t tithe. God loves us when we give and when we don’t give. Tithing isn’t a way to earn God’s love; He loves us regardless. In Matthew 23:23, Jesus warns against focusing too much on the rules of tithing without paying attention to the more important things like #justice, #mercy and #faithfulness.

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