STOP BEING FAT- 100 LB Goal - Sugar & Carbs Are POISON - 10, 14 or 30 day Water Fast In Process!

3 years ago

This video is not medical advice, always consult your physician. The question is, do I do a 3 day water fast, 7 day, 10 day, 14 day or a 30 day?

I'm FAT! I know it, you know it...What do I do to fix this? Water fasting and then later intermittent fasting. I'm posting this video (I hate talking about this for the world to see) because I belive it will help many people. Weight loss diets are all fads. You have to change your life and get sugars and most carbs completely out of it. I'm doing just that. At the timing of this video, I have been consuming nothing but water of a few hours shy of 7 days.

Be sure to like and subscribe and leave me a comment if this interest you. I am no doctor but I know what has worked for me in the past and know it would help many of you today.

Regular Joe

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