CHECKMATE - (please read description. This video blew my mind! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)

2 years ago

Wow, wow, wow! This video blew my mind! I relate so much to the moon reference in this video. I had no idea what my childhood dreams/nightmares meant and how they are related to my near-death experience in 2019, my kundalini awakening and my recent drive to inform follow Catholics or anyone willing to listen about the present danger facing humanity and they need to wake up. I originally was driven to gather information and create videos, but all my information in form of bread crumbs made little sense in the reason for my obsession and to do something, till now.
My dreams involved a huge city below my childhood neighborhood and nightmares of falling through our open street or falling into local surface water sources that led under the ground and creatures attacking me. The other recurring dreams were about the moon. I dreamt that the moon suddenly was coming closer to the earth and I could hear people screaming and panicking. Another variation is knowing that I was in a dream with the moon crashing into the earth, but I knew I was dreaming and yet couldn’t wake up. The third variation is again knowing that I was dreaming and hearing people panicking from the approaching moon and woke up from that dream, yet still dreaming while running out to my childhood backyard and seeing the full moon approaching earth with people panicking confronted in the same scenario and then finally waking up. When I was 10, we moved to another neighborhood and again had a similar dream/nightmare.
With this so-called “kundalini awakening” in 2019, I realized that when I have a dream within a dream about the moon situation, I believe the first scenario is from an actual past life experience (at the biblical Christ’s crucifixion). I was hiding in the dark in total fear and could hear people screaming and panicking that the moon was going to crash into the earth. I seem to just know that the moon is artificial, and there was a total solar ellipse during Jesus’s crucifixion. Impossible, because Passover is during a full moon (which would been on the other side of the earth during the day) and in my dreams the moon is always full. Possible if the evil forces ruling the earth wanted to deny Christ even the direct sunlight at his point of death thinking they destroyed and killed the actual son of God. The moon would have to be artificial and controlled to move into the total solar eclipse position which of course would cause worldwide earthquakes and the darkness and sun’s eclipse mentioned in the bible. Obviously, it then moved back to its original position till today.
I always interpreted the second part of my dream about a future event with the moon changing position with people panicking. Hence, the present explanation of the moon in the above video. This makes so much sense to me now, with the fake news, fake leaders (pope too) installed around the world and why they are pushing the vax for everyone, even the children at next to zero risk. My God, look at my selection of mirrored videos I have been obsessed to collect here. It all fits, these demonic creatures have a plan to take over our bodies through the COVID Vax nanotech and 5G technology related to the moon. My God, that’s why they want our children jabbed. Wow, think I am crazy, but it is all making total sense to me. Now I think I can make videos with my information, experiences and knowledge that can make all the bread crumbs make sense. Installed elites (pope), fake news, personal Mandela effects, my obsession to finally purchasing a telescope, boat and fishing obsession, soul trap reincarnation, Hollywood, NASA, Space Force, reptilians or negative ETs, COVID death vax, mandates, Ukraine corruption, Q intelligence and God’s ultimate plan is all related. God is real, Jesus is real (because all clues point to me actually being there during the last supper and the crucifixion), the one third of the fallen angels and evil is real, however hidden from us and kept secret is a race of invading negative E.Ts. from long ago also are somehow connected in the complex mix as God doesn’t interfere with free-will. The plan of God’s salvation for the human race is real too and close approaching. Pray! Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill.)

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May 20th, 2022.

..."Apparently, You can only Show the Truth on TG
and not talk about Truth — Compromised
with all new algorithms etc.
We will continue to ride under the same name
as it lets all Operators move freely and safely.
While we are here for this “time”
we have full permission to use the name, John McAfee
however which way we like.
John is Good and wants the whole world
to know that “Life is Good” he is “Now a Firm believer in Jesus”
and that he is “Just Chilling with Lord Sativa”.
Amen John. Amen.
Again Again.
Everything Has Meaning.
Define Checkmate:
Q "

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