STOP Quoting Malcolm X's "White Liberal" Speech

3 years ago

Malcolm X's stinging indictment of the white liberal is popularly shared among conservative and libertarian circles. The critique is used as a rejoinder to the idea that leftists care about black people, and supposedly proves that they simply want to use them for their own political purposes. For this reason, many conservatives and libertarians turn a blind eye to the whole of Malcolm X's ideology, and therefore silently excuse his paradigm while cherry-picking this particular quote. Mr. Watson examines Malcolm X's ideology and argues that anyone who believes in individualism and freedom should avoid even mentioning Malcolm X in a celebratory light, much less praising his indictment of white liberals.

#conservatives #libertarians #conservativeMalcolmX #WhiteLiberalsAndWhiteConservatives #BlackLibertarians #BlackConservatives #Race #Racism #SocialJustice #Socialism #WhiteLiberals #WhiteLiberalsMalcolmX #Politics #AmericanPolitics #CriticalRaceTheory

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