Eve vs Lilith: the Woman’s role in Birthing our World [CLIP]

2 years ago

The story of Adam & Eve and the Original Sin reveals profound truths about woman’s innate power and her primordial role in giving birth to the world we live in today. Although this may seem far from our daily lives as men, such metaphysical truths shed light on our understanding of sexuality, society and Life.

👉 This short clip is an extract from the Womb Pill series [S1E1] ~ check out the video card to watch the full conversation!

#gardenofeden #adamandeve #patriarchy #feminism


Asahd Anaami is a world class teacher, visionary, savvy entrepreneur and seasoned medicine man with 25 years of experience in the yogic and healing arts & sciences. He teaches men from all walks of life to create a life of integrity, aligned with their deepest values, ideals and aspirations, in service of others.


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