Morning Musings #03 (Aug 27, 2021) "Make the Tree Good"

2 years ago

In this video I talk about self-help and how to regain self-worth after deconstructing from toxic Christianity.

"Jesus often talked about a tree. Make the tree good and the fruit shall be good. If we apply that as a simple principle; this has to do with how we think OF ourselves and ABOUT ourselves. If we think of ourselves as a bad tree (I am not meaning in a bad "bad" sense), but most of us think that we are just flawed human beings. Right! If that is the root of our thinking, we are going to live like flawed human beings. So, when you apply the admonition of Jesus to your own life, when He says "make the tree good, then the fruit will be good". (Matt 12:33) What is the root of your tree?

If you think of yourself as a divine being and that you are divinity, rather than a weak, vulnerable, flawed, unworthy human being - you are going to live according to the root belief in yourself - and what you think of yourself. (As a man thinks, so he is.)
If you truly know that you are divine, you are going to start living as a divine being. You are going to make the tree good, and it is going to produce divine fruit.

So what is the root in your thinking - in your life? What do you think about yourself, how do you view yourself?

This is what I like about what Ken and Carrie Husband (THE STAND 121) always say, you have to start looking "not AT it (all the things that are written, don't look AT it), but look from the stance of "AS it", because it is YOU - it is all about You."

Visit Ken and Carrie's channel at:

Music by Scott Buckley - "The Things That Keep Us Here"

#morningmusings #renegade #soulspeak

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