The Centurion Had Great Faith by Dr Michael H Yeager

2 years ago

* Remember we are talking about a Roman Officer!
15 Amazing Statements
#1servant DEAR unto him:2 = IMPORTANT, * Love neighbor as self * Faith works by love.

#2 heard of Jesus, he SENT :3 = * Faith Cometh by.... * Faith without works....

#3 BESEECHING him :3 Begging, pleading, asking = * You have not because....* Ask & Receive, seek &....

#4 HEAL his servant :3 He knew that he knew Jesus was able.....

#5 LOVETH our nation:5 = * They testified of his love * 1Cor 13: Though I speak with the tongues..... ( He Must have loved the Word of God )

#6 BUILT us a synagogue:5 = *Where your treasure is, there is.....................

#7 I am NOT worthy:6 = Had a revelation of who Jesus is, and who he is. * If a man abides not in me.........

#8 neither THOUGHT I myself worthy:7 = * Our righteousness is as filthy rags....

#9 say in a WORD:7 = Revelation that authority & Power is released through the mouth!

#10 SHALL be healed :7 = No if ans, or buts!

#11 I ALSO am a man set UNDER authority:8 = ALSO * All things were made by HIM, and....

#12 having UNDER ME soldiers:8 =* Where for God also has highly.....

#13 I SAY unto one, GO, and he goeth:8 =* Mark 11:23 Who so ever will say unto.....

#14 to another, COME, and he cometh:8 =* Whom do you say......... Whatever you bind will be.....

#15 to MY servant, DO this, and he DOETH it. :8 = Jesus had a servant's heart. Father, your will and not mine!

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