Going Bananas 🍌

3 years ago

Harvesting from my first Banana tree I ever grew. I garden in zone 10b South Florida. It took about a year to 18 months ( not sure how old pups were when I bought them), but it after purchasing banana pups from a backyard gardener

I first tried a banana circle, and then had to move them all closer to my house. Our wild FL nuisance ducks were eating the young banana roots.
But after moving them closer to my house and feeding and watering them, I now have close to 8-9 more banana plants coming up and I still have one large plant with Bananas to harvest.

I believe these bananas maybe an Indonesian variety but am unsure, tastes like Chiquita with a bit of tang like you get from pineapple or lemon, but not with the sourness of lemon. Once ripe t hey are SO sweet.

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