Endangering My Life For "My Safety". State Trooper Daniel Jones. Mass State Police.

3 years ago

This is the incident that happened on Monday April 5th 2021 at approximately 14:30, in Downtown Salem Massachusetts. I started a livestream because it seemed as if the police might give me a problem. After I went live things seem to have been going smoothly into a state trooper tried to force me off of the road with his vehicle almost causing me to crash into the back of his truck with my bicycle. This also almost made me fall off my bike and cause injury.

As I stated inside of this video and even edited in this video the main interaction starts out about the 5:15 mark and the actual incident happens around the 9 minute mark. I left in the lead up to the incident and a little bit after to give some of the people more perspective of what happened and how it got there. Feel free to fast forward to the beginning of the interaction or write to the incident itself.

I appreciate all of your support!!! Without all of you we would not be able to make a difference and/or changes!!! "We the people" are and will continue making changes!!! Please let me know what you think of this incident in the comment section down below!!! Donations are happily in humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!


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