Russia released a video of the sophistication the Tor-M2U missile Capable of Shooting While Moving

2 years ago

The defeat at Belogorovka What really happened.

The Russian Ministry of Defense released a video of the combat work activity of the crew of the 'Tor-M2U' tactical missile defense system on Wednesday, 18 may.

This missile defense system is a short-range air defense system, capable of detecting and tracking approximately 48 highly maneuverable aerial targets and simultaneously striking up to four targets.

Tor-M2U has been developed and modernized from the previous system, Tor-m2.

The Tor-M2U missile system is designed to protect military and government installations from airstrikes.

This System can destroy a variety of aerial targets such as cruise missiles, guided missiles, helicopters, aircraft, guided bombs, unmanned aerial systems, and high-precision weapons flying at low and medium-altitudes

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