Soul Speak #02 - Feb 17/20 - The Culturization of God. Is God Hebrew?

2 years ago

This is a "Retro" instalment of one of my first writings from back in February 17, 2020. If you follow my channel, you will notice a progression in expanded understanding. :)

We should not define ourselves by any 'belief system' or 'label/definition' when we desire an expanding flow of truth into ourselves. A phrase so often used is "think outside the box"... and God for all that He is, does not fit in any of the boxes that man has created. Any 'boxes' that we have encountered along the way beginning at Sumer, Egypt, Judea, Rome, Tibet etc.etc. were merely the beginning stages of mankind coming into 'memory' (awareness) of the Divine and their pen strokes of the things they began to understand and realise. Scripture makes a reference that we are 'going from glory to glory' which to me simply means... our understanding of all that is (natural/spiritual/metaphysical) continually grows to new levels (ascending).
The descending and ascending was not only reserved for Jesus Christ. We likewise descended as children of God, and must ascend back to heaven. Hebrews 2.
When we read the Bible, we have to keep in mind that everything is based on Hebrew culture and religion, particularly the religion of Judaism...deeply based in blood "sacrifices".
It is for this reason, Jesus (God incarnate) stepped within the context of "blood sacrifice" in order to bring REDEMPTION from that system. The Hebrew Law was an imprisonment, not righteousness.
What did Jesus first utter upon commencing His ministry? He read from the book of Isaiah “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free," Luke 4:18
The Jews/Hebrews were captives and oppressed by the LAW given to Moses. Read Deut 28:15ff slowly to get a sense of this captivity.
So the "universal" God, being that He is a deliverer by nature will insert Himself into any "captive" situation.. geographically, culturally, and individually.
Sometime we may believe that God is Hebrew, but we have to put that out of our minds. God is transcendent. And we have to adapt a transcendent perspective of the divine, and not try to conform the human realm to Hebrew thinking...or Hebrew Christian Bible speak.
Yes, the "blood of Jesus" saves those who understand salvation by BLOOD sacrifice, and for such it makes perfect sense. (The Divine Father requires no blood... blood does not exist in the heavenly realm). And the Hebrew scriptures were written based on that particular cultural context.
We do not have the perspectives of other sacred writings, because much of that was persecuted and destroyed by Roman-Christian religion.
Personally, I believe the Truth transcends all writings, and had we not been subjected to such severe censorship we would have gained a wider perspective of the Divine overall.

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