Soul Speak #18 - Taking another look at the "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit". What does it mean?

2 years ago

This is another ReneGade "rewrite" of the Bible verse talking about "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" and what that means to me today, in my expanded consciousness.
First, we have to establish what Holy Spirit is. Our relationship to it is dependent on where we place this "identity".
During my years as a Bible believing Christian, I would see Holy Spirit as the 3rd person of the God-head Trinity - and very much a power "outside" of me. And I used to live in such fear of saying the wrong thing about the Spirit of God. Every Christian knows this fear -- it's the common temptation we have all been faced with.
With the intimate knowing I have of Holy Spirit today, and understanding that it is the Divine Essence of my very SOUL -- "blasphemy" of this Divine Essence is me denying the reality of my core SELF as being Divine (God)!
In the mental denigration (downgrade) and separation of my human Self from God, I am "blaspheming" the Holy Essence that is Me.
The next question is, how is this unforgivable? By denying our Divine Essence, we cannot ascend to the reality of our divine birthright, and remain trapped in the density of lower human existence and awareness. It is just a mental prison and it can be escaped, if we are willing to jump the walls of our psychological castle or stronghold of aggregated beliefs. Everything is psycho(soul)logical and can be changed (forgiven).

#unpardonablesin #blasphemy #holyspirit

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