Soul Speak #01 - Feb 14/20 The Boxes of religion and expanding into a more conscious spirituality.

2 years ago

This is a "Retro" instalment of one of my first writings from back in February 14, 2020. If you follow my channel, you will notice a progression in expanded understanding. :)

We should not define ourselves by any 'belief system' or 'label/definition' when we desire an expanding flow of truth into ourselves. A phrase so often used is "think outside the box"... and God for all that He is, does not fit in any of the boxes that man has created. Any 'boxes' that we have encountered along the way beginning at Sumer, Egypt, Judea, Rome, Tibet etc.etc. were merely the beginning stages of mankind coming into 'memory' (awareness) of the Divine and their pen strokes of the things they began to understand and realise. Scripture makes a reference that we are 'going from glory to glory' which to me simply means... our understanding of all that is (natural/spiritual/metaphysical) continually grows to new levels (ascending).
The descending and ascending was not only reserved for Jesus Christ. We likewise descended as children of God, and must ascend back to heaven. Hebrews 2
Heb 2:10 God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation.
The perfect leader shows us the way to follow... His example
And salvation for the most part needs expanding upon... yes it's in a sense a 'going to heaven', but since we don't do this physically... it is accomplished spiritually... in becoming ONE with God (the nature of God and all that is heaven)... this takes place during this lifetime (hopefully).

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