Teratology - The Lingering Stench of Anatomopathological Scum (Full Album)

2 years ago

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Band: Teratology
Album: The Lingering Stench of Anatomopathological Scum
Released: May 20, 2022
Genre: Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Country: International (Austria | Italy)
Label: Lord Of The Sick Recordings

01. The Lingering Stench (Intro)
02. Rotten Infestation
03. Plethora of Maggots Embryophagy
04. Putrefaction Induced Hallucinosis
05. Cherishing a Rotting Corpse
06. Stone(d) Man Syndrome (ft. Larry Wang)
07. Slam-Wriggling Larvae Neurocysticercosis
08. Human Scum Anaphylaxis
09. A Sick Mortician (Outro)

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