UFO?? Old clip of a SMOKE RING UFO seen from a flight

2 years ago

Proof: Camcorder footage

Is this a Smoke Ring UFO??

It looks like an UFO with some sort of Camouflage turned on.
Towards the end you see the Camouflage getting mal-functioned as the landscape underneath it is getting disappeared, you will know what we are saying once you watch the video carefully.

A lil tidbit for you...
Why do we say EBEs are UGLY... it's our conditioning growing up to judge things around us... what if we tell you they think we are ugly and weird in the way we chew and eat food and they get a feeling of disgust from us... again it's all about what circumstances and comments we are subjected to growing up... here on Earth we have defined what's beautiful vs ugly, in fact there is no such thing... now the question is what do we say, if they are not ugly or beautiful? Every star system has a logos, ours is a star logos configuration... the information I provided above are the real thoughts of EBEs who work along side us in the black projects... it's all perspective and what we are used to seeing or perceiving... in certain parts of asia they eat crickets and roaches and grubs and it's a delicacy to them but here in the US if you offer a fried and spicy roach and grubs to your guest, they might find it disgusting... same is with offering shrimps to a vegan... right? But, we might be sacred if one of them come in front of us, it's because our brain will be in shock as growing up the media along with Cabal depicted them as being scary and evils from off-planet... but the fact is if you meet them, most of them who are benevolent, they thought and energy projection will bring you at peace immediately and you won't even think in that direction, rather people in the black projects have mentioned a feeling of seemingly unlimited happiness in their presence...

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