Mormons is a cult and killed pioneer's at Meadows massacre

2 years ago

In 1857, two wagon trains of Arkansas pioneers went thru meadows massacre on their way to California and stopped for the night, the Mormons would not let them stock up at all, they took their guns and then shot them all and took the children and put them with Mormon families and lied and said that the utes and John d Lee did it but he did not, Mormons were not all peace loving people back then they were violent and had guns and got kicked out of Illinois and Missouri because people could not stand them at all! Joseph Smith killed a man for no reason in Missouri and all the Missourians demanded justice and Joseph Smith got shot and Mormons still cry he is a myrtar no he is not! Then they went to Utah and stayed there and killed pioneer's minding their own business and going out to California and never made it!! The Mormon cult is from the pits of hell and Joseph Smith is a false prophet!! He did not see God or Jesus but a fallen angel!! Mormons now put on a act that they are all loving and everything but they were not back in the old days!! They were violent people and killed pioneer's in Meadows massacre for no reason!! Mormon missionaries never talk about meadow massacre ever because they do not know about it!! The Mormon cult tells Mormons oh don't read anything we do not approve of you reading!! They call anyone that says anything about the Mormon cult anti Mormon and Mormons who leave see how they were in a cult and struggle with trying to recover from being brainwashed in the Mormon cult!! It is a cult and always will be

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