Soul Speak #29 (Aug 18/20) The 'single eye' and how we are often not perceiving correctly.

2 years ago

#soulspeak #Christianity #singleeye
Do you realise that we are all products of someone else's creation? And I don't mean God in this case. Our entire psychological makeup was built by other people, their opinions, their expectations, their coercion and control on us.

It's no wonder we are so jacked up and confused about so many things.
When I find myself floundering in particular in the arena of "belief systems" I have this one consoling conviction:

I don't believe that Deity or Divinity, the entity we refer to as God or Jesus have any narcissistic characteristics whatsoever.

He really doesn't NEED us to believe in Him, and certainly not believe "correctly" about Him to be OK. Can you not see what impossibility this is in and of itself for us human beings?

Yet our entire Christian belief system and image of God is built on this very premise. [ IF you don't believe in Jesus, you will go to hell! ] Or even the idea that we will somehow make Jesus sad if we don't love Him back, is ridiculous.

These are all "psychological" constructs that we create for ourselves. And this is why it's become such a lunacy of a rat race.

To give ourselves so much "self importance" as to think that we can define God by "what" we believe about Him, is sheer idolatry and pride. God IS, regardless of what we "think" or "believe" that to be.

God is not "self-seeking" for worship and adulation. If anything, He does everything to SERVE and benefit US, our wholeness. Just as Jesus demonstrated in His works.

Source is the fullness, the positive that flows to the lacking or negative (us)... until we realise that we are One with that FULL source and lack nothing.

It rests ALL in our perception, ie: the glass is half full vs. the glass is half empty... and our life will reflect it exactly like that.

If we find ourselves in constant struggle and fighting shadows and "darkness" (not seeing) it is because our "eye is not single" and we are not perceiving rightly. That's why often a flash of lightning (right perception) will snap us out of depression and fear.

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