Soul Speak #37 (Oct 29/20) Let's talk about INIQUITY. What is it and where did it come from?

2 years ago

#iniquity #sin #abuse #trauma #healing #originalsin #bible #healing #howtoheal #christian
I would like to share some thoughts on INIQUITY.
From my own Christian past, it was a common practice to label disturbing behaviour or disagreeable concepts as "iniquity". It was an easy way for the small mind to categorise and file away behaviour that was beyond true, deeper understanding.
It's also easy to repeat this pattern of "judgement", since we are told that "God did it throughout the Bible" and we are just following the 'inspired word'.
I think we need to pause long enough to try and define the word "iniquity". Let's ponder this and get deeper than what we see from the surface textbook definition. What is it? What causes it? And what turns an innocent little baby into a gangster later on in life?
That little baby is said to be "wonderfully and fearfully made in it's mother's womb", literally woven by the finger of God... a little angel soul that has come down here (descended from heaven) into this lower dimension. You could never with any sense of integrity look upon that little baby and think "what an iniquitous, wretched soul" I have just brought forth into the world. Nada!
So where does "iniquity" enter in and corrupt this little angel soul? Let's look at ABUSE... many of these little ones suffer and endure such "hardship" in their growing up years, that some of them are so destroyed for the rest of their lives that they identify with the wretchedness they feel on the inside and externalise it, or "live up to their internal fame". Pain and utter brokenness causes them to lash out in society... which isn't "iniquity" but a desperate cry for help and love.
Maybe we should ask, "who broke them"? And not with the intent to pass the blame, but to look deeper than surface appearance.
I will be so bold to state that the Bible is not suitable for any type of "therapy" (healing), and we can't rely on the "letter that kills" to have the capacity to heal a soul... the letter or law (commandment) knows only to accuse and condemn.
This is why, if we want to be healers... we need to consult with the Living Spirit of God (Divine Spirit) to get a "word of knowledge" (revelation) about the inner workings of a soul and look through the lens of LOVE, compassion, caring, etc.
Nobody comes into this world "evil" or "iniquitous", but the cycle of abuse continues to generate a wounded humanity. The biblical phrase for this is also known as "generational curses", which will only be ended when the Light (understanding, illumination, awareness) of the intricate nature of the soul is discovered.

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