Soul Speak #34 (Oct 4/20) What is "lust" and where does it come from?

2 years ago

#lust #inadequacy #lack #notenough #lusting #longing #dissatisfied #feelingempty #soulspeak
Been pondering the concept of "lust" this morning...
James 4:1 From where is war and contention among you? Is it not from the lusts which war in your members? 2 You lust and you do not possess; you murder and envy and you have no power. You fight and you do battle and you have not because you ask not.
In traditional Christian thinking "lust" is often associated with sexual passions, but it is much more than that and touches every aspect of our lives. Scripture speaks about the "lust of the eye" or "lust of the flesh".
One may want to ask "what is lust and wherein lies it's origin"? Another definition for lust is a strong desire or longing. Why would a person have such longings?
I would propose that it comes from a sense (note: this word comes from 'sensual' having to do with our 5 senses)... so a inner sensing of "lack" or "not having" such as in the meaning of "inadequacy".
When a person feels "inadequate" or "not enough", he/she will feel a "longing" (lust) to fill that which is lacking. This is the reason why people engage in all kinds of activities commonly called out as "sinful"... in order to try and make up their perceived "lack" or "nakedness".
We have a parable told in Genesis 3, where Adam believed that he was "naked" (inadequate) and him and her fashioned aprons of fig leaves for themselves to conceal their lack.
The astounding thing that I had never noticed until more recent time, is that God never declared Adam "naked" or "inadequate".
Gen 3:11 “Who told you that you were naked?” the LORD God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”
To come back to James, he shows us that all we need to do to find our adequacy or fullness that we have in God, simply ASK... and BELIEVE that we lack nothing.
You fight and you do battle and you have not, because you ask not.
And what did Jesus say? Ask, and you shall FIND. What will you find? TRUTH! The truth that you have always been in God/Christ and were never separate from Him, except via the illusion (death) in your own mind (which we inherited from Adam).
There is no need to "lust" for anything, just ask and know that which you already possess.

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