Ep 110: The Disservice of ‘Everyone Gets a Trophy’ Mentality with Kender McGowen

2 years ago

In this episode, Courtenay welcomes Kender McGowen to the show to discuss the important value of taking personal responsibility, a value that seems to disintegrate with each passing generation. Kender points out that this failure of taking personal responsibility creates perpetual victimhood, which then generates movements like what we’re seeing today with the trans agenda, where feelings precede facts. In addition, the lack of hard work to earn and the inability to delay gratification has become a source of toxic entitlement. So how can we begin to shift the pendulum back? Join Courtenay and Kender for this insightful conversation.

Episode Resources:
Jordan Peterson
The Gods of the Copybook Headings Poem
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Video Edited By Griffo Productions
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