Interview 217 with Gypsy Jade

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Gypsy Jade was born and raised in the small town of Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Home of the Bluegrass State & Bluegrass Conspiracy. It is no Theory...
Gypsy has roots that lead to the CIA and that has definitely provided for a very unique, challenging, yet rewarding journey.
Gypsy's career path was/ is Nursing, as she went "rogue" by providing private home health, after learning the current healthcare system is more accurately nothing more than the Medical Mafia.
After discovering some unpopular truths over the past two decades especially, she went on to self educate, research, and study 18 hours daily.
Some of her studies include, but Not limited to Real Healthcare Solutions, Alchemy, Chemistry, Mental Health, Psychology, Law, Universal Law, Quantum Physics, Clairvoyance, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Science, Religion, QHHT, Intelligence, Conspiracy Theories, Social Darwinism, and much more...
What is unique about Gypsy is the fact she not only has knowledge in so many facets of life, but that knowledge stemmed from personal experience.
On her quest for answers to personal dilemmas and outlandish experiences and discovering something peculiar about Life in general, Gypsy found that she had educated herself to unimaginable heights. That led Gypsy on her next journey to compiling all her knowledge into one Area, a project she calls Godology....The Study Of All Things.
Gypsy takes on Private Clients and may soon make her work publicly known.
Stay Tuned.

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