Hello Rumble - My first steps on an exciting journey?

2 years ago

Currently there is unprecedented level of censorship which had led me to rumble, one of the last places where freedom of speech remains?

This is my first look at rumble as I begin a series of videos to begin a dialogue. The aim is to begin by looking at several important figures, where I will look at what they have said and look to see if it holds together on further investigation. I suspect that they are saying the truth since
they have an established track record BUT what they are saying is totally against what the main stream media are. What the news that I watch in Ireland is saying.

I have been following things on youtube/rumble/podcasts/telegram etc

I have hear enough that it is worth looking more into. I would like to hear other opinions and sources to clarify what is actually going on.

I would like to hear about more figures to follow, books to read to gradually let clarity emerge?

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