Greedy Humpty Dumpty (1936) - Public Domain Cartoons

2 years ago

Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd Toys:

King Humpty Dumpty has a huge amount of gold, but wants more. He sees the sun, and thinks it is full of gold, so he orders his subjects (the various Mother Goose characters) to build his golden wall higher. They comply, and he reaches the sun, but when he does, the sun sends lightning bolts after him, which topple the wall.

Humpty Dumpty -- seen here as a greedy and abusive monarch -- wants to acquire the gold from the sun. He forces his subjects to build his palace's golden walls higher, so that he can reach the sun. When they do reach the sun, King Humpty tries to crack it open with his battle axe. He is overcome by the sun's awesome power. The walls of his palace and the castle itself are destroyed, and the miserable monarch is sent crashing to the ground, a heap of broken eggshells and a busted crown. The cartoon ends with everyone trying to put Humpty together again while he laments over his greed, only to fall to pieces again after his crown is put on.

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