Autism intersectionality vs neurodiversity + John Elder Robinson and Jonathan Mitchell! Thoughts.

2 years ago

Autism intersectionality vs neurodiversity + John Elder Robinson and Jonathan Mitchell! Thoughts.
More Autism topics, more thoughts. Trying to think through this issue. In the process of forming my view on it, always in the process. :)


I wrote this on 11 May 2022, but unfortunately didn’t finish it. I’m adding it to the Rumble description as at 11 July 2022, procrastination, as at 3 Aug 2022.

“A few points that I wanted to reiterate.

I think that many companies do pro-LBGT, not because they care at all about LGBT, but because it’s profitable to do so, if they didn’t do pro-LGBT stuff, then they’d be cancelled or boycotted, but it’s notable that it’s out of money that they are showing to the public that the care, but they actually don’t and so in private how they treat you, things would be a different story. This is precisely what could happen to people regarding Autism. It becomes “cancelelable” if you don’t come out as pro-Autistic people, so all these people then do “pro-autism” stuff, as to look like the care, in order to get profit or not lose favor with the majority of the population, but this makes it harder to know who really cares, as everyone claims to, but it’s actually a façade, and with people with Autism already finding it hard enough to tell who’s genuine and who’s not, people having more incentive to pretend to care about you, when they don’t, it not good. We’ll just get more burned when we find out that they never really cared. Far better when the only people who actually make known that care about Autism are ones who genuinely care, so we can know they are good.

By “Free Speech” I don’t solely mean the ability for people to be free, I also mean, that you have conversations about Autism with people if they willing to. As we know free speech and private funding alone, pre govt funding, pre intersectionality, didn’t singlehandedly solve people with Autism being helped, although it would have helped, and progress has been made, even though slow. Free speech doesn’t guarantee that things will improve, but lack of free speech will guarantee the won’t. People being free to discuss things is essential for things to improve, people need to be free to ask what they want about Autism, clearing up incorrect assumptions is a major obstacle towards Autism understanding, and a whole heap of other detrimental assumptions people hold on a whole rang of topics. So Free Speech is utterly essential. Freedom to discuss autism, freedom for people with autism to express themselves, freedom for medical academics to debate autism. Freedom to use all terms “High Functioning”, “Low functioning”, “Aspergus syndrome”, “Spectrum”, “Autism”, “I’m autistic”, “I have Autism”, “Pro-cure” etc. I view the word “Autistic” to mean “Someone who has Autism”.

By Good values I also assume that people with good values care about making life better for those with autism, helping people with autism. So I assume that them having” good values entails wanting to help those with Autism.

Also, why it’s beneficial for us for Autism to become a “minority group” is because then we get extra benefits, and people will act nicer too us out of fear of offending someone with Autism. So we have this special class in which people act nicer to us. But in the long run this isn’t good or healthy, as they are only doing it out of fear of being cancelled, and fitting in. Someone who truly cares doesn’t care if we have Autism or not.

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