CONFIRMATION NOW - Amy Coney Barrett | Moms For America

2 years ago

CONFIRMATION NOW - Amy Coney Barrett | Moms For America

"We were losing until the moms showed up!" That's what several senators told us during the Kavanaugh hearings. Within hours of the announcement that Justice Ginsburg had past away, we began receiving calls and emails asking if we were going again. The answer is Yes! With your help we can!
We're raising money to cover the cost of travel and lodging and you can help. $50 can host a mom for a day but any amount will help!

You can make a secure donation right online at the following link

or By Mail to: Moms for America
893 S. Main St. #228, Englewood, OH 45322

If you wished you had a voice in the Kavanaugh confirmation, now is your chance to be heard and together we'll make sure our message resonates through the halls of Congress...Confirmation Now!

#MomsforAmerica #MomVote #MFAaction #AmyConeyBarrett

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