Pulsating sky. Truman Show sky, sun?

2 years ago

Been filming the sky for a while. Artificial sun, sun simulator, pulsating sky. One does know that something is not quite right.

So lets look at world events.
Ukraine, UK, USA lapdog has been imprisoning people who have right wing views and labelled indigenous people terrorists for wanting ro preserve their culture, all while funding nazis in Ukraine.

The world was told that China released convid into the world, yet evidence has been seen to suggest it was USA and Ukrainian bio labs, correspondence dating Nov 19 between these two nations were discussing convid earlier than anyone.
Halabja Iraq, were USA bio labs used there? Also Syria.

United States of Death seems to use bio labs in nations were stability is not had. To agitate and false flag.

Food amd fuel costs.
All planned. The situation in Ukraine is being blamed when all know its not the cause. UK government has said it can not help anymore. Yet billions has been sent to Ukraine under the guise of aid, when infact it is probably a fund for those leaders who push for war. Biden and Doris Johnson.
These two nations have enemies within, would see their own starve while sending money to nazis.

Rome before it fell.
The world is witnessing the end of USA as world no 1. It will use all kinds of covert methods to maintain its position. It hasn't learned from history that nations who abuse and kill eventually falls. I say good riddance to nations who turn to the darkside.

Russia has a chance to show the world the tactics of USA and UK and expose their dealings in Ukraine. Bio labs and mercenaries, corruption and money laundering.

Slava Russia.

God bless you all.

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