The Daily Practice of Success

3 years ago

The Daily Practice of Success 🚀 Guilt

Guilt is a useless emotion that lives in your past.

And you don’t want to live there.

I don't know about you, but I carried guilt around my neck like one of my favorite accessories for many years.

Now I didn't just have one guilt necklace 🏋️♀️ weighing me down.

I had an assortment in varying sizes and weights ❌

I spent years feeling guilty as a mom 💙 if you are one you know what I mean.
Did I do enough, or the all-time biggie 💯 have I damaged them for life? 🤦♀️🤦

Have you ever felt that?

I lost my mom a number of years ago and even though rationally I know I was an amazing daughter I also carried guilt wondering if I could have done more. 💧

There's work guilt, wife guilt, friend guilt and the good old fashion guilt about something you believe you shouldn't have said or done.

😢😢 But does guilt help you live at your highest version?

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