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Red Wave Coming!

2 years ago

May 18, 2022 - Everything this administration touches hurts the American people. Gas has broken a record with nine days at the most expensive in history, inflation is at a 40-year high, our troops are being sent back into Somalia, billions are being sent to Ukraine, the border is overrun, and Joe Biden has a new phrase for conservatives—Ultra MAGA dangerous extremists.

The good news is that the country is headed for a “GOP red wave” in November, if yesterday’s primaries are any indication. Nearly every candidate that President Trump endorsed, plus those who carried a MAGA message, won their races.

We'll look at this good news, plus a possible end to the baby formula crisis, and a "pause" on the Disinformation Board


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  • Isn’t it awfully strange that Bill Gates just so happens to have a baby formula at just the right time!?! Unbelievable!

  • Thye Xiden administration and the Demon-o-crats are evil personified. We all know that the empty suit makes no decisions beyond what flavor of ice cream he wants. Obummer is in his 3rd term with a mission to destroy America for his satanic globalist masters.

  • Who in there right mind would feed there baby anything that was made by a man that openly claimed that he wants to depopulate the planet? Bill Gates is a sicko!

  • We need God’s help! It sure seems like God has handed most of the world’s leaders and people in influential positions over to their own deranged minds. Keep praying patriots! Almighty God is listening :-)

  • A red wave won’t work. They will cheat as much as they need to in order to win. They could cheat to win without any actual votes. Why wouldn’t they? They have completely gotten away with it so far.

  • I'd say the biden regime is plain evil. Thanks for the great video 💗

  • Bacteria was found on a noncontact surface and should have been a simple minor citation, not a shutdown. They were shutdown purposely.

  • So, um, breast feed? God knows Best...

  • I am so thankful for your reports, Lori! About breastfeeding causing mental issues: The only mental issues I see are those who spew vitriol against it. I was blessed to breastfeed my daughter for a year and it created such a bond between us. I thank God that he made this possible. My daughter nursed both of my granddaughters and it was a wonderful experience for her, too. My oldest granddaughter just turned 18 on 5/22! The Biden administration is absolutely evil, in my opinion. Love and prayers to you from Pennsylvania!

  • will there be any America left in November?

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  • Great job, Lori, thanks so much, keeping on praying with and for all of you and all of us...

    1 like
  • I'm surprised you didn't give a "shout out" to the new Press Secretary for her ability to get all of those papers on the lectern to "circle round"

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  • Thank you Lori. You're the best at breaking this confusion into understandable bits of info

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  • Evil regime through & through.

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  • "Cellular agriculture." Sickening!

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