'We're In Uncharted Territory' Warns Financial Market Crisis Expert | Bethany McLean

3 years ago

SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Mike & John and the New Harbor Financial team here: https://www.wealthion.com/

Investigative journalist Bethany McLean is an expert on crisis.

She has written New York Times best-selling books on the collapse of Enron (The Smartest Guys In The Room) as well as the mortgage industry and Wall Street abuses that led to the 2008 Great Financial Crisis (All The Devils Are Here and Shaky Ground).

So when she says she’s deeply worried about today’s macro environment, we’d better take notice.

Looking at the accelerating expansion of debt issuance, the red-hot run-up in the financial markets, and the economic uncertainty caused by the ongoing pandemic -- Bethany concludes we're at a precarious never-been-here-before moment in history, aka "uncharted territory". And she sees good probability another major crisis may be around the corner.

She also sees a familiar dangerous lack of imagination in those both running and cheerleading the current system. Similar to the 'rock stars' at Enron, no one seems able to entertain the idea that things could get out of hand much faster than folks are prepared for.

We're farther from the historical average than we have ever been on this measure -- as well as on so many other metrics we don't have room to list them all here. We are truly in uncharted territory.

Which is why Bethany agrees that now, more than ever, is the time to partner with a financial advisor who understands the nature of the market risks in play as well as the opportunities, can craft an appropriate portfolio strategy for you given your needs, and apply sound risk management protection where appropriate.

Anyone interested in scheduling a free consultation and portfolio review with Mike Preston and John Llodra and their team at New Harbor Financial can do so by clicking here:


And if you're one of the many readers brand new to Peak Prosperity over the past few months, we strongly urge you get your financial situation in order in parallel with your ongoing physical resilience preparations.

We recommend you do so in partnership with a professional financial advisor who understands the macro risks to the market that we discuss on this website. If you've already got one, great.

But if not, consider talking to the team at New Harbor. We've set up this 'free consultation' relationship with them to help folks exactly like you.


At Wealthion, we show you how to protect and build your wealth by learning from the world’s top experts on finance and money. Each week we add new videos that provide you with access to the foremost specialists in investing, economics, the stock market, real estate and personal finance.

There’s no doubt that it's a very challenging time right now for the average investor. Above and beyond the recent economic impacts of COVID, the new era of record low interest rates, runaway US debt and US deficits, and trillions of dollars in monetary and fiscal stimulus stimulus has changed the rules of investing by dangerously distorting the Dow index, the S&P 500, and nearly all other asset prices. Can prices keep rising, or is there a painful reckoning ahead?

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Put the wisdom from the money & markets experts we feature on Wealthion into action by scheduling a free consultation with Wealthion’s endorsed financial advisors, who will work with you to determine the right next steps for you to take in building your wealth.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The information and opinions offered in this video by Wealthion or its interview guests are for educational purposes ONLY and should NOT be construed as personal financial advice. We strongly recommend that any potential decisions and actions you may take in your investment portfolio be conducted under the guidance and supervision of a quality professional financial advisor in good standing with the securities industry. When it comes to investing, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss.

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