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Luciferian Pelagian Heresy Of Jesse Morrell | Downplaying Christ's Finished Work

2 years ago

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#JesseMorrell #OpenAirOutreach #Pelagianism #Palagian #Pelagius #PalagianismRefuted

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TAGS: Pelagianism, Pelagian, Pelagian Controversy, Pelagius, Original Sin, Human Nature, Sin Nature, Sinless Perfectionism, Sinless Perfection, Luciferianism, Luciferian, Lucifer, Julian of Eclanum, Caelestius, Sicilian Briton, Rufinus the Syrian, Jesse Morrell, Self-Righteousness, False Doctrine, Heresy, Error, Pelagianism Refuted, Pelagianism Debunked, Pelagianism Exposed, Pelagianism Heresy, Pelagianism Error, Humanism, Salvation, Free Will, Conditional Security,

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • I would think that Christian character should come before theology. I know who Jesse Morrell is and how he goes out and shouts at people. Both of you are lacking in the character field. We don't get into heaven by right theology alone. There is no test at the entrance on what you believed but on the merits of Christ and how you lived. Please evaluted your demonizing a fellow Christian there is verses against such things.

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