L. Lucullus And The Third Mithridatic War

2 years ago

War was brewing in the East. Rome was in Turmoil. L. Licinius Lucullus, who had fought against Mithridates before, knew that the Poison King was back at it again with a brand new invasion. Eager to fight against him, he managed to gain the province of Cilicia after his consulship. Raising an army of his own, he sailed East.

Primary Sources:
Sallust, the Histories
Plutarch, the life of Lucullus
Strabo, Geography
Cicero: Lucullus, Pro Murena, Letters to Atticus, Academics
Appian, Mithridates
Livy, Periochae
Dio book 36

Secondary Sources:
Broughton, T. Robert S. The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, Vol. 2. New York: American Philological Association, 1951.
Gruen, Erich S. The Last Generation of the Roman Republic. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.
Empire of the Black Sea: The Rise and Fall of the Mithridatic World by Duane W. Roller
Drogula, Fred K. Cato the Younger: Life and Death at the End of the Roman Republic. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019.
The Date of the Outbreak of the Third Mithridatic War by B. C. MeGing
Alexander, Michael C. Trials in the Late Roman Republic, 149 BC to 50 BC. Toronto: University
of Toronto Press, 1947.
Erskine, Andrew, ed. A Companion to the Hellenistic World. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005.

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