The Metaverse - PPLI and EWP - Episode 3

2 years ago

- Transform Your Assets Inside an EWP Metaverse
- PPLI Is Your Partner in Creating Financial Strength and Stability

It makes sense to partner with a concept that is recognized as a cornerstone of financial stability—the six principles of Expanded Worldwide Planning, or EWP for short. The six principles are recognized as such by Wikipedia in its article on International Tax Planning. You too can employ these principles to grow and strengthen your own financial assets. How can you accomplish this? By using an asset structure that has at its very roots the six principles of EWP.

The metaverse is a concept that has been thrust into our lives. Is it something new and or just a fad that will die out in a few years? At EWP Financial we are creating our own metaverse that has at its foundation the rock-solid Six Principles of EWP. In this video, through compelling images and concise dialogue, we explain how these Six Principles can create for you a financial future that beneficially transforms your own assets for tax efficiency, privacy, and asset protection.

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