Food Healing Oracle Deck

3 years ago

On this episode of Look What Meg Found let's look at The Food Healing Oracle Deck from Real Time Wisdom, LLC!!
I am a huge fan of oracle decks and I love the concept of the food healing aspect!!
We have been Energy Healers and Intuitives for many years as well as have a passion for food, health, and well-being. With backgrounds in Food Science and Healing, we combined our worlds and collective experience to create The Food Healing Oracle Deck® Nourishing Wisdom from Mother Earth. Not knowing in 2019 that we'd be launching a Kickstarter at the beginning of the Pandemic, we crossed our fingers and people responded. We met our goal at 120% launched the first deck and a mini version as a travel pocket size and for kids and then set out to teach people more in-depth about the connection to food for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellness with our Certified Reader's Program. A year later, we've just released our newest book, SMOOTHIES - Nourishing Wisdom Beyond the Blend! which is inspired by the deck and brings a spiritual and conscious look to 33 different types of healthy smoothies and corresponding affirmations for optimum wellness.

Check out everything about them here:

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