My $3 Million Wardrobe Opens With A Fingerprint | BLING LIFE

2 years ago

TIFFANY Moon is a doctor, mother, entrepreneur and Real Housewives star with a $3 million closet. She describes herself as the epitome of work hard play hard. And there’s plenty in her home to play with, she has everything you could dream of from a pizza oven and spa, to a massive wardrobe full of designer clothes and bags. Because her wardrobe is so expensive it needs to be protected and there are only two fingerprints in the world that can get you into it - hers and her security guard’s. But Tiffany’s more than happy to share her beautiful clothes with others. She’s donated some of her special occasion dresses and jewellery to disadvantaged young women who otherwise might not be able to afford to go to prom. Today She’s going to be a fairy godmother for one of these girls, Camille. Let's see what Camille thinks of Tiffany’s wardrobe...

Check out Tiffany:

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