Run, Run, Run

2 years ago

Faith is the substance of things not seen, but hoped for. When you are worrying yourself to being sick, remember God, His mighty Presence and His incredible purposes in play in your life. If you are trying to wrap your mind around something that will be impossible for you to understand, this is what faith if for. Activate your faith. God is trustworthy and He has proven this to us over the last 2000 years of faithfulness toward our human race. If you find yourself at a dead end, turn and fully face God and run, run towards God, by faith, hope in Him. Do you believe in God? Then believe in Him. God is always at work in the unseen for our good and His glory. Believe it. Run out of the darkness, run towards the light of God’s truth, shaking off all assumption, speculation, presupposition and exchanging them for God’s Promises. God is always Present with us. If you find yourself in a dark situation, hope in the dark. Faith stands on the trustworthiness of God and propels forward on steady strength of His Promises. Even if there is fog in your circumstances and you can’t see, God can and will show you the way. Faith is not in what we see, it is trust, belief and hope in God, waiting, patiently enduring because You know, The Way Maker God is purposefully lighting your path, step by step because He has a glorious endgame already planned out. So run this race by faith in Jesus Christ and finish well in Him. Dig Deeper:

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