i am just way too over here for em

2 years ago

i wait it out and sumin always comes to me
i know i can do better, i've seen myself do it
i clench up, as if any of these mfs are worth my concern at all
my audience is so dumb for the most part
everybody is a woman (perjorative)
an std ain't cool, man
romantic even tho i'm a cynic
so happy when i see cute ass couples
it's sweet to watch people be sweet to each other
can't do what i'm not cut out for
eunuch, stop rejecting it amy
inconvenient for the rest of the world, not me
myself is the only one
i am 7min late for my dentist app
i don't give a shit if they don't give a shit
use swear words, artistically
what's a swear word anyway with pc culture
as a christian i don't wanna cuss up a storm so i wrestle with that sometimes
*God put me in this world He knows!

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