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Joe Allen on Elon, Twitter, and the AI of the Future

2 years ago

Joe Allen on Elon, Twitter, and the AI of the Future


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  • One guy looks old and mean and you would have a hard time trusting him... The other guy is youthful looking and has an engaging smile that you would trust... They both however were cut from the same cloth... Careful who you follow...

  • When people have their environment changed either internally or externally, psychosis is never far away, Musk and Swab have yet to fully understand the implications of this. - our bodies are very very precise and they don't like being messed about with stuff that is not within human requirements from millions of years of environment adaptation. The human body has many many methods to protect itself. When people and their companies - pharma, trans-humanism - mess with the body they almost always fail and have to resort to cover-ups and lies.It will not be any different with trans-humanism. Psychiatry is a form of trans-humanism that has been hiding it's hideous human abuse and experiments from the general public, also hiding under the guise of a medical profession for a long long time. I urge everyone to study Peter Breggin's work to learn about all this - it is utterly horrific in the extreme. I promise, if you - the general public see's what happens inside a psychiatric 'hospital' you'll never trust a doctor ever again.

  • musk is anti Christ....no hero!

  • Scwhab said that implants could help a speaker know what an audience's thinking response is to his talk in real time. Hmm...that would to both ways wouldn't it. Do you think guys like Schwab and Musk want people to know what they are actually thinking. Not a chance, they do know want to know what you're thinking and control what you're thinking though.

  • I believe AI human interface is the biggest threat beyond anything else.

  • Elon Musk has the morals of an alley cat sneaking round your back door. He has such a low regard of life, all the neurolink monkeys he used during experimentation died after suffering terrible repeated torture and or infection to some poor creatures having the equivalent of a psychotic break and needing to be euthanized. The ASPCA has filed a torture and animal cruelty suit against him. Conservatives are so desperate for a hero, they will invite the nicer enemy into the camp and give him the chiefs house to live in and give his daughter to him.

  • Simply An insanely rich man on a rant. That's All Folks.

  • Thank you Joe! It's so unpopular to speak ill of some people's hero of the moment. The love of Elon, just because of Twitter, speaking against Biden, and now saying he'll "vote Republican", reinforces the inability for people to look at their idols with skepticism. It's been proven how incapable people are of hearing criticism of someone they believe to be their savior, and their denial of God's word, instructions, and true Savior. As long as people look to a man to save them, we will fail.

  • To criticize Musk for not speaking against the Chinese authoritarianism is ridiculous when he is speaking and acting against the authoritarian left in America, which is way more dangerous for him and should be what matters most to us. Elon Musk is an ally of the right, at least for now. So stop being so damn picky and embrace him!

  • And regarding transhumanism, that is another battle. Right now, the battle is for free speech and that, in my opinion, is the mother of all battles. Elon is on our side on this, do not reject him. If in the future he goes to the dark side, then we'll stand against him. Know your battles and pick your allies accordingly.

  • Exactly! Thank you!

  • BasicaIlly the Show The Expanse is what they are going for. UBI was talked about in the show Years Ago!

  • What most don't know is Klaus Schwab was not the founder of the WEC, Henry Kissinger was and Schwab was his errand boy.

  • knowing and proving are 2 diff things

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