3 Steps To A New Life! NuDILIGENCE VLOG 1

2 years ago

This relationship can literally change your entire life! We'll discuss the 3 steps you need to take to start the relationship and your new life today. Subscribe here → https://www.tinyurl.com/HWRKSL to stay connected with me and never miss new content!

One of My Favorite Online Bible's:
Official Website = https://www.bible.com/

Download The Bible on Your Phone here:
Android App = https://app.bible.com/app-android
iOS App = https://app.bible.com/app-ios

Where to start reading?

If you're just starting to read the bible, I highly recommend you start at the book of John and read daily (1 or 2+ chapters) until you finish the book of Revelation. After you complete the book of Revelation, then you can start at Genesis and read through to the book of Revelation.

My Home Church:
The Center For Manifestation
3102 E. Lake Ave.
Tampa FL, 33511

Service Times:
Sunday 8AM & 10:30AM
Wednesday 6:30PM

Official Website: https://centerformanifestation.com/
Stream Church Services Here: https://tinyurl.com/CFMSubscribe

God bless you and if you made the decision to start The Relationship, CONGRATULATIONS! PLEASE COMMENT and let the world know!

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