Biblical food shortage?

2 years ago

It’s best to be for warned. This is happening globally. I have my own theory. That they are destroying the toxic and tainted gmo garbage.
Yet that’s just my theory. I don’t mean to spread fear to those unaware. I do think people should know. So they can gather some dry goods, canned food, grow a garden this year or get a hunting rifle. Just do what ever they think is best to prepare. Just in case. I have faith in the white hats plan. What ever that may be. But I believe in being as prepared as possible. Because I also think the black hats have been pulling out all the stops. Check on your neighbors and friends. Be kind to others. As you may one day need a hand as well.
Time will tell. But the madness we have seen over the last few years. Shows me that anything is possible in these biblical times.

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