Darpa AI study linked with Ministry of Truth to Control Free Speech Pathways

1 year ago

Darpa is studying fringe so called "disinformation" (or I like to say truth) information pathways to mainstream news. I've noticed that the mainstream news will report the truth but usually after the alternative news sets the agenda. They have to report some truth to keep a sliver of credibility to keep the masses brainwashed. We talk what this Darpa study means for truthers. We need to bolder than ever sharing the gospel, using the Word that is sharper than a two edged sword to save souls even with the heathen. Preach against sin. We need to be bold sharing truth while we still have time. I cover a dream as well that goes against a wimpy Christian with Righteous anger.

Darpa AI study linked with Ministry of Truth to Control Free Speech Pathways

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