Fatima and famine; manufactured food shortage and mass starvation? Divorced spouses reuniting? Punishing mothers for aborting? New (1955) rite of Holy Week: restoration or revolution?

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In this episode of What Catholics Believe, Thomas Naegele and Father Jenkins first address viewer questions and then discuss current events from a traditional Catholic perspective.

A viewer asks whether practicing Natural Family Planning for couples with a propensity to produce children who are mentally impaired is a kind of eugenics; Pope Pius XII - NFP can be licit in certain circumstances; if life is there, but impaired, the child has right to life; abstaining from fear; Can “divorcees” reconcile after one has contracted a civil “marriage” and a new “family”?; the moral depravity of the Novus Ordo; the question whether the first two are genuinely married; Church does not accept “second marriages”; the obligation is to reunite; living in a “second marriage” is a mortal sin; what about the children — should the marriage remain for their sake?; best example for the children — to honor the marriage that truly exists, not remain in adultery; to remain in a false marriage is a road to hell; USSCB opposing penalties for those who commit abortions; Catholic Church - anyone who participates in an abortion is automatically excommunicated; mothers naturally risk their lives to protect their babies; to succumb to pressures is unnatural; the default stance is that the woman bears the first responsibility; to treat the woman as if she has no responsibility cheapens the life of everyone; abortion is an attack on the value and meaning of human life and thus leads to all other evils; everyone knows the baby in the womb is a human life; they abort it precisely because they know it is a human life; democratic party is the party of abortion; St. Paul — “They glory in their shame”: democrats applaud pro-abortion laws (e.g., NY); abortionists howl like the possessed; reduced human life to a commodity; there are graces at work right now as a result of prayer; we must pray like we’ve never prayed before; we should expect graces from prayer; we should pick up our rosaries and run to battle; Pius XII and the changes in the holy week in 1955; Pius XII condemned “archeologism”; modernists — “if we can change the Triduum, we can change anything; Pope Pius V’s Quo Primum; Last Gospel not practiced universally before St. Pius V; Church emphasized devotion to the Sacred Heart and Christ the King — added organically to the missals; problem with the 1955 “restoration”— protestant in spirit; said that the Mass had become corrupted; look to primitive (rather than traditional) practices; what counted as legitimately primitive was subject to their fancies; Martin Luther — Catholic Church is a false church and I, myself, have discovered the truth; Modernists — the Church’s liturgy has gotten off track and we need to establish “primitive christianity” (according to their fancies); archeologism a denial of the work of the Holy Ghost in the Church; thousand year practice of the Church not to administer Holy Communion on Good Friday; St. Pius X in Pascendi — modernism the synthesis of all heresies; compromise in the liturgy leads to compromise in other areas; insertion of St. Joseph’s name into the Canon; now optional to mention saints name in the Novus Ordo Mass; St. Pius X - modernists characterized by audacity and pride; marxists had to get the Church out of the way; only the Catholic Church has the power given by Christ to withstand the powers of hell.

In current events: Food shortages part of the plan of the Great Reset; “You will own nothing and be happy”; Karl Marx - private property the source of unhappiness; the road to no government by total government; WEF wants total control; forced compliance by starvation; approved food riots; Baby formula shortage; origins in 1800s; polyunsaturated fats in baby formula harmful; Bill Gates’ current investment in artificial baby food; Gates and Harari sending explicit messages; marketing of formula — liberation from the demands of motherhood; food shortage part of the larger picture; Our Lady of Fatima — famine would result if sin continued and Russia was not consecrated; planned famine orchestrated to manipulate the world population; Hillary Clinton warning her friends to stockpile food; Biden — coming food shortage; corporate America and government partnership is essentially socialism; government seizing control of the means of production; corporations buying politicians and elections; we must learn to be self-sufficient; big picture — powers of darkness and in high places gain power over us because of our own sinfulness; repentance and faithfulness to God, practicing the true traditional Catholic Faith is necessary; we can see the results of prayer already at work!

This video was livestreamed on 5/17/2022.

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